Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Playing an Online Game

When one plays a MMPOG (massively multi-player online game) they in sense take on the identity that they have chosen in the beginning as being themselves (in that world) i.e. your avatar can be a smooth looking billionaire, where as you your self could be living in your mothers basement eating microwave burritos for dinner every night). On the Internet no one knows who you are and because of this freedom people allow themselves to let loose and act in a total different way to that which they would in a setting with real people. These are the qualitative differences between textual chat rooms vs. 3d chat rooms, when someone plays a MMPOG they feel like they are in the game and it is part of their lives, without they have lost a part of who they are and many users become somewhat addicted and disconnected with the human world. When someone uses a chartroom they are not showing a little character of who they would like to be, what other people see and think of them is based on what they say in writing.

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