Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tute 2

Pictured Left Steve Wozniak

Picture by gabemac on Flickr.

This is Steve Wozniak co-founder of Apple Inc with Steve jobs. He worked on making the componentes of making home PC's smaller so that they would appeal to a wire range of market after the release of their first home computer.

A video (story clip) from our first Lecture about Jesus as a cocaine dealer.

Todays lecture comprised of learning about the history of computers dating back to Industrial Revolution with the Luddiets who were opposed to the introduction of knew machines which could possibly take away their work and so would sabbotage them. In the late 1930's Britain and Germany started forming ideas that machines could do lafrge computing of numbers.
The 1960's saw the introduction of the transistor which in all means micromanages ellectrictiy which is now used in all computers because of the small size and its ability to handle large flows of electricity to a microchip.

In 1965 Gordon Moore wrote a paper stating that the computing power and capasity of microchips would double every 18 months and so far this has been true.

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